Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ideas on how to wear Hotbuys Vest.

Hey, so as i said in my previous post, the hotbuy vest is out, but i thought i would give you a few ideas on what to wear it with! have a look...Note: These clothes aren't necessarily to be wore together! this is just a few examples of what might be nice with your outfit.

I know this is quite similar to my previous post, but seeing it was to similar to what Jenna already posts, i would most likely do something like this instead!

So, what do yuo think of this idea? should i continue to do it for all new hotbuys?



Talia said...

its nice but hasnt something like this been posted?

Sarah_Sugerplum said...

i don't think so :S

ADJAJA/Anna said...

There has already been a post about this...but I liked the graphic a lot :]

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

You already showed ideas on how to wear it in the previous post YOU did..

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

This is cute. My only other problem is this is one of the main reason we do the polls, but I like it.

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