Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Evolution of Hotbuys

Highly sought after, adored by all of Stardoll, hotbuys are an everlasting craze making nobody labels worth more than DKNY. Once the word 'hotbuys' is added to a virtual tag, it becomes part of an era, part of a collecters wardbrode and part of Stardoll fashion history. But I was wondering 'what were the first hotbuys like? and have they gotten a lot better over the years?'. So I compiled a small archive of the evolution of hotbuys for all to see.
Hotbuys 2007
These hotbuys are very interesting, and were probably some of the first ever to be released. You can definetly see that the quality of hotbuys has changed a lot, I mean, how on earth did that belt become a hotbuy? These days anything that is plain and can't be priced for over 5sd would never be a hotbuy. I personally like the DKNY items the best and that umbrella is awesome! Most of these items would be extremely rare now.

Hotbuys 2008
A long way from 2007, these hotbuys began to feature a common theme and feel. They exploit use of pattern and textures more effectivly and are more creative. However I have a strange belief that these hotbuys would be less versitile, as I own the Doc Martin style boots and find that they are very limited to the range of outfits that they would be matched with. I would definetly think this would be the same case for the coat, and possibly the heels. My favourite item is the boots however I also like the eyelash's the dress and the tee.

Hotbuys 09

Yet again, what I see as a drastic change to hotbuys has taken place. This collection highlights the use of colour and more attention grabbing patterns. These items are very popular and it is easy to see why. I personally love the beret, the pink and black dress and the rainbow dress. One thing I feel passionetly against is the leopard print dress. Animal print and fur will never be seen as a hotbuy in my eyes. But overall, a brillant collection.

So I now believe that hotbuys have changed quite a bit over the years. What is your favourite? Please comment with feedback, positive or negitive. Peace.



BabyDoll980 said...

I'm pretty sure that you can but the dress, umbrella and wings from fallen angel....they're in starplaza! but their not labeled hbs....

Caroline said...

Good post; you had a point and you put it across well. You showed us how they had changed and wrote a conclusion telling us so. Maybe you could write an opinion of individual pieces as well as just the overall collection.

*BabyDoll980 - They're one of the many 'old' items that Stardoll decides to release and re-release many times. They may once have been rare hotbuys, but now no-one even knows they were.

Caroline [crazycaz07]

DeSushiTimes said...

Nice way of writing! You definitely gave the "HB history" a different twist from all those other similar posts (which seem to be very popular lately :S)

Although you might have done some more research.. Like Caroline and BabyDoll980 said some of the items are still in starplaza...

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