Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Anti-Bullying Campaign Summary.

It's been 10 days since Stardoll introduced the anti-bullying BFF campaign, so today is the last agreement.
Here's them all:

1. "Help new members. Make friends, let them ask questions and show them around."

We all know what it's like to be new somewhere - so lend that new Stardollian a helping hand!

2. "Be inspiring. Don't make fun of people for not having a lot of clothes and decoration."

You don't need to be Superstar and to have a suite full of clothes! Sometimes the best outfits are the simplest.

3. "Just delete provocative mails or comments! Don't answer them."

If you rise to the commentor, then you are giving them what they want. If you just ignore them, they should get bored, and give up (:

4. "Report provocative comments, then block the sender."

Block them, and then they can't contact you again (: Don't take the law into your own hands - let Stardoll handle it.

5. "Enjoy and get inspired by fantastic Suites, leave great comments."

Nobody can deny that they smile when they login and see a lovely comment in their guestbook, so go on and make someone's day!

6. "Don't give scammers a chance. Buy your StarBazaar things without expecting favors in return."

Hm. This one seems to be Stardoll trying to dissuade people from trading. I'm not going to tell you not to, but be careful when you are!

7. "Remember that there is a real person behind every MeDoll. Probably a very nice one."

Medolls are real people, who are on their computer. Remember, you're not just talking to some pixels, but a real person who has feelings - and they're probably very similar to you!

8. "Be polite, other people will be polite back."

It's worth a try (: I know some people don't need an excuse, but don't be one of them (:

9. "Be smart. Don't let anyone know your password or e-mail to steal your account."

Promises to get 1ooos of Sd are probably not true, so don't give your password away (:

10. "Stay Safe. Keep your name and number to yourself."

Last, but not least. Although the person you're talking to may be just like you, and who they say they are, there are some people out there who you may not want to know out of Sd. So don't give out any details which could reveal you to people you don't want to know (:

So, if you agreed to all of the above, you were rewarded today with this gift:

What do you think of it?

What do you think of this campaign as a whole?

Let us know (:


P.S sorry for the length of this post - there was a lot to be said ;)



DeSushiTimes said...

Great Post!
The gift you get sucks haha!
But honestly it's not about the gift ^^ I really think it's awesome stardoll did something like this ^^

ILoveWicked. said...

I know!:P i agree though, it's not important (:
same! (:

sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

Good post! I like that you showed all the 10 promises and not just the gift! :)

ILoveWicked. said...

Thanks :D
I felt that they were more important :D

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